You know when I was young I had a friend who like all of us would covet things in his life and he would sometimes want things so bad he would say “I would sell my mother into slavery for that” or” I would sell my soul to the devil for that” to which we would all laugh. Now I really doubt he would have done either of those things just to get the new item he sought so desperately I mean gees his mother did bring him into the world and give him love and food and protection and many things in his life and I have heard that the place south of here can get a bit toasty shall we say. However, it appears that our ‘friends” in the gay, lesbian and bisexual community as well as our supposed leadership at the Human Rights Commission has done both of the things my friend would never have actually done do pass an ENDA bill that EXCLUDES any protection for transgendered people while affording it for “sexual orientation” Ok great – now you can’t get fired if you like shoving your c…. up your coworker’s ass as long as he consents but don’t show up at work in a dress and heels and makeup to reflect who you are as a person inside as a genetic male because that will get you fired my friends. If some gays take that as an insult let me tell you right now – it was intended as one. I am mad as hell and for good reason as a transgendered person I have been betrayed by a gay man who heads the HRC and a gay representative in Congress (Barney Frank) who sold their soul to the devil and their mothers in to slavery in order to get a bill passed that protects them and leaves me and any other transgendered person flushed down the proverbial toilet.
ENDA was suppose to protect the rights of the last bastion of those without them in this country- gays, lesbians, bisexuals AND transgendered persons. (You remember the old acronym GBLT. Well it appears the GB and the L has cast off the T so they can have rights now held for woman, elderly, people of color and various national origins as well as disabilities and religious preferences. All of these groups deserve the equal protection and opportunities that every citizen should have in this country. People should not be denied rights and freedoms and opportunities for income or housing because of the color of their skin or the religion they practice or don’t practice or simply because they have an impairment of their body and neither should they be denied such rights simply because their sexual orientation. But just the same -neither should I or any transgendered person (M to F or F to M) be denied these same basic rights and opportunities simply because I am transgendered. What really hacks me off is the blatant lies perpetrated by the President of HRC who spoke to me and 891 other brothers and sisters of the transgendered community at a luncheon just two weeks ago – stating that the HRC would never support legislation that excluded transgendered people and that the bill must protect all and that gays and lesbians and transgendered people will stand together to fight for an inclusive bill and not an exclusive one. Hell- I almost bought this load of crap as I sat there in my chair after that luncheon. I could see his lips move BUT I just was not buying what he was saying any more than when George Bush Sr. said “Read my lips – no new taxes” or Bill Clinton stating that “I did not have sex with that woman” Seems to me my taxes were raised the year after Bush uttered his words and we all know Bill left his deposits on some clothing worn by the young lady he did not have sexual relations with. So I guess I should not be surprised the leader of an organization that supposedly protects the rights of human beings (HRC- although I am now referring to them as the IRC- Inhuman Relations Commission) blatantly lies through his teeth to the entire transgendered community and now in cahoots with another gay legislator supports a bill that gives protection to his wing of the GBLT while sacrificing the entire transgendered community to do it. I hope your mothers enjoy their shackles and both of you stock pile up on the water because you are going to need it. Is there anyone out there naïve enough to believe that if transgendered people, as the only unprotected group left in this country as far as rights is concerned, we are somehow going to see a bill passed to protect the rights of transgendered people standing by itself. NO way in hell my friends …at least not in my lifetime. I guess what always bugs me the most is that people who have faced discrimination like Mr. Frank and Salmonese would understand better than most people that you don’t end discrimination by discriminating yourself. As one who supports the rights of all people to work and live and enjoy freedoms I have always stood up for the rights of gays and lesbians and I believe they should be allowed to even marry if they so desire and now how has myself and my sisters and brothers in the transgendered community been rewarded for our open-mindedness and support of the GBL part of the GBLT community?-by being flushed down the toilet the proverbial toilet by people I thought were our friends. I hope they enjoy their new found protected status assuming they can override the veto of a President who listens to only the 26% percent of the entire population who actually thinks he is doing a good job. Brothers and sisters of the transgendered community we have been abandoned and we are alone (Addressed to those who are G, B or L) Give us our “T” and go rescue your mothers and your souls!!
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