Drama…….. Drama…….Don’t want no Drama. It seems that our community of transgendered people more often than it should thrives on drama …so I guess the name drama queens and the association with soap operas seems appropriate sometimes when it comes to discussion and postings and blogs which proliferate in our community. Sometimes it seems like it is a war of factions- each taking turns taking shots at the other as well individual girls of our community. Recently, there was reported incident outside a club in Cleveland Ohio by one of our community members who attended at GNO scheduled there. Now, first of all, whether this incident actually occurred in the manner it was posted I cannot say because I was not present at the event. I do know the girl who posted it and I have stayed with her at hotels at her hospitality and she was always very nice and easy going so I have no reason to dispute what she said as not true either. It really does NOT matter. Incidents like these can occur anywhere and all that needed to be said was “girls…..be careful out there, watch your surroundings and where you park and keep an eye out for each other! After all, we are all sisters. I don’t want any harm to come to my sisters ever. I know it will happen some but that does not mean I want it to do so.
In response to this posting in which she also indicated she planned to continue going out and even return to that same club, another one of my sisters wrote a public blog attacking her and essentially calling her a liar and then in some bizarre conspiracy story indicated it was fabricated by another sister in order to hurt the scene in Cleveland and secure allies in the faction she evidently heads up. Mel Gibson would have loved this one for his movie “Conspiracy Theory” Heck….its all enough to make one’s head spin and for me to shout “stop the drama girls” Why these so called factions even exist and why everything gets discussed in such personal attacks on others in our community is beyond me…it truly is! I never want to tell anyone what to write about as I am a firm believer in our rights to free speech and thought but I do not approve of personal attacks on any of my sisters regardless of what so called “faction” they may belong to (assuming they even do) as if that is important anyway! I feel we have enough drama in our lives from being transgendered as it is, dealing with relationships, families, possible transition and purging and all sorts of crap we face all the time- not to mention what we get from those outside our community- especially those of the narrow minded thinking establishment and religious right.
We need to stop attacking each other –period. We can disagree or agree to disagree as all human beings do but surely personal attacks of any nature are not the solution to resolving any conflicts we may have among ourselves. We can express our differences without ever making it personal. I may not always agree with the opinions expressed by others by I do respect the opinion, the right to express it and the person who made it. We can see that all of our sisters are both unique as well as sharing many commonlities.
I abhor any attempt to divide or segment our community by simply who is a particular type of transgendered person such as a crossdresser or TS or anything in between and beyond! In fact, it irks me no end when I hear as TS person make a statement that implies they are downgrading a sister by saying something like “well …...they are just a typical crossdresser” I may be in one segment of our community to some people but I still love all my sisters and will strive to get along with everyone in the same. I will respect them and hope they will in turn respect me and consider me their sister. In fact, I would be adamantly opposed to any ENDA bill, that even if it included gender orientation, excluded gender expression in the same manner I opposed the ENDA bill which only protected sexual orientation but excluded protections for transgendered people. I think the term “gender orientation” fits more readily TS while the latter (gender expression) fits more readily CD. The bottom line is we all need human rights in the country and respect and dignity for all people. Sacrificing one element of the LGBT community to obtain gain for another is simply wrong!
Ladies…….its not a battle of TS versus crossdressers, it’s not a war of so called factions of our sisters, it’s not a conflict of groups or GNO events. It’s not a sport to personally attack our sisters. None of these things makes any sense. I know its human nature but we can do better. I know we can and I will keep striving to even do better myself. We can respect one another a little more, work for common goals, have fun together and try to put aside preconceived notions and embrace each other’s differences. It all really comes down to one common thread- Respect! We should expect it among all human beings but at the very least we should have it prospering among our own transgendered community! Come on girls…Stop the drama…. save it for Hollywood!
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