OK, last week I took a stab at other's addictions and habits with my analysis of the smoking interests of the transgendered community and my theories on this phenomenon. This week it is confession time for Melissa (good for the soul I heard) and my addiction or habit as they say....the shopping for and acquiring of mass quantities (really no other word for it) of shoes and boots. Ok, I admit it..I adore shoes and boots and I love even more to shop for them! There, I said it! I guess that is the first step like when you go to an AA meeting or something ...Hi, my name is Melissa and I am a shoe junkie. Well it started like this......
I truly adore shoes and boots and love shopping for them with a passion (not that I don't mind shopping for dresses, skirts, accessories and other outfits as well ...as I do love to shop till I drop) but put me out there on a shoe quest and oh my, look out if you get in my way for a pair of size ten pumps! My shoe habit has brought me to make several observations about this interest in duplicating Imelda Marcos' shoe closet I know some young Tgs out there are going.....who is Imelda Marcos? This woman, while married to the "leader of the Pilipino people” acquired hundreds of shoes that occupied a massive shoe closet discovered after her husband was "tossed out of office as we say" ).
First of all, I will rationalize the purchase of any pair of shoes or boots. I know those are the sixth pair of white shoes but really the other five are different because these are open toe and patent while the others are merely pumps or sandals or white leather or wedges or whatever else may occupy space in my ever expanding shoe closet (Ok ...run out right now and buy stock in a company making shoe trees!) I will always think for just a minute before I purchase them ......Yes, I have at least one outfit that will go with them so I really need them to complete that outfit and before you can say high heel pump these delightful shoes are part of my collection. This pair will match that cute purse I just got last week. I have an endless number of excuses of justifying the acquisition of the newest addition to my shoe closet!
Secondly, I always see these new pairs of shoes as "adorable ". I will be walking through the mall or shopping online when all of a sudden these adorable pair of purple high heel pumps will just jump out at me and I stop at the store window or page and say…...Aren't those shoes just "adorable " Before you can say strappy heels these "adorable shoes "are in a box headed for my shoe closet which is going to require remodeling for more space soon (any one know a good contractor?) Heck , I once acquired a beautiful pair of gold strappy heels on the basis that I might actually purchase a gold dress to go with them some day ....now that is rationalizing folks!
Now that I have come clean with my addiction I feel better or at least I will as soon as I find those two tone pumps to go with that mint green and pink outfit I just purchased! So if anyone remembers my birthday or wants to get me something nice for the holidays (any holiday will do) just keep this in mind ....I prefer an open toe, love patent, adore pink and oh yes, and a size ten medium please... Now can someone please hand me another shoe tree....
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