Friday, April 4, 2008

If you Build It.... They will Come (Fall 07)

I am tired from a long week of traveling but mostly I am tired from a wonderful weekend spent at an absolutely gorgeous, scenic property nestled in the hills of West Virginia
where we had just concluded the first ever (and hopefully not the last) Pink Essence of WV and Pink Essence of VA joint picnic and campout (although I will admit sleeping on an air mattress in the comfort of an air conditioned house/ cabin in my pink Pjs is not necessarily roughing it I will admit but clearly is this girl’s preference for sure). Yes- an organized transgendered event in West “By God” Virginia and the world did not come crashing to an end! (Stop the presses people). The event was planned by Debbie as the coordinator of Pink essence of VA and me as the coordinator of Pink essence of WV and we spent lots of time in planning and invested a lot of our own money to make it happen because we care about our sisters!

The event was held on the property owned by Debbie and her delightful wife Sandy (see my previous blog on “The Significant Other”) It was a private secluded place with beautiful, gorgeous scenery, a deck out back of the house and wildlife such as deer, foxes, turkeys and many other animals scattered around the property and a view of the mountains that is to die for along with the fresh morning breeze in the air that softly awakening you each day! We made it secluded so girls could come either dressed (and some did) or dress there (some did). Some brought their spouse and others did not. We simply tried to accommodate everyone and make it safe and fun and comfortable for the guests with consideration that some of them may not be as comfortable as others in public .Food and southern hospitality abound throughout the weekend with cookouts including hamburgers and hotdogs deliciously grilled by yours truly I might add, as well as such wonderful dishes such as potato salads, pasta salad, taco salad, slaw, corn on the cob (Ok I’ll admit it grilling the corn in the husks was not my best decision- LOL) and your choice of delicious pies and cakes for desserts ( or a sample of all three although this practice has been known to add a size in the waistlines ladies ). Breakfasts were served better than those you get at IHOP, Shoney’s or Denny’s with eggs cooked to order, cereal, fruit, various meats, toast and preserves, juices and of course – Coffee. The abundance of food was supplemented with cold delicious beverages such as daiquiris, beer, wine, soda and water as well as tea. The most important ingredient of the weekend was however the laughter and joyous times together with warm, friendly people who came, providing opportunities to meet and even renew friendships with wonderful people- sisters I love so dearly as well as spouses who love and support their transgendered partners! A most wonderful time was had by all who attended.

Although Virginia was missing a few girls due to a couple of scheduling conflicts the state was well represented including a lovely lady by the name of Virginia and her lovely spouse who even runs a support group in the transgendered community! Debbie and I both extended invitations to the Ohio Pink Essence Group (my home away from home) and we even had two girls (Alex and Martina) drive all the way down from Cleveland). Girls came from as far away as Virginia Beach and Richmond and drove 5-6 to six hours to get there. Now despite the attendance of Virginia and Ohio, how many girls form WV came to this private no way you can get in trouble event which was held in the borders of West “By God “Virginia? Exactly two and that includes yours truly who while one of the sponsors and hosts really just came to just show off her new pink summer skirt and summer sandals! Two girls – that’s it….on a summer weekend with nice weather and a month of advertising. I did get lots of excuses most of which could be summed up by the fact the closet was not large enough to stretch to southern WV and if it did, that sunlight might still be hazardous to closet’s interior. I would repeat some of the excuses but it would only invoke shrieks of uncontrollable laughter and I am not here to embarrass any of my sisters! We had girls driving six – seven hours from Cleveland and five and six hours from parts of VA -BUT we can’t get a few WV girls to show up in their home state to meet and have fun with their sisters in about the safest environment possible!

I should be discouraged but I am not going to be and I intend to continue my efforts to break down some barriers here and create events for my sisters in this state. I know these things take time. I know the state is rural, the girls scattered and hiding in fear from a redneck repressive Bible belt region that condemns first and then calls for the burning at the stake and or lynching second! For God’s sake I live here too! It does not have to stay this way and its clearly not going to get any better unless we try and make efforts to simply not accept this climate! It’s never going to get better unless we take risks, work together and keep trying to create events we can be together and help support each other, laugh together and have fun together. I will continue to build this bridge slowly and painstakingly and I will not let frustrations get in the way or cause me to give up of bringing us together as sisters. I only hope that if I, and others who work with me, build it…….they will come!

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