Friday, April 4, 2008

Pamper me ! (January 2008)

Oh heavenly wonders this girl does love pampering! I love it more than shopping, and I do love to shop, and almost as much as love finding a good deal on a pair new heels. Pampering is a truly wonderful thing that most men never experience because they consider it too feminine and girlie. I on the other hand simply adore pampering and love it so much I might advise you to invest in some stock based in spas and salons. I have given gifts of certificates for afternoon at spas and salons to several friends and even my wife and many times I have found that the certificates go unused for so long I would not be surprised that the certificates have expired! That my friend is like sacrilege! Somebody gives me a gift certificate for a day or afternoon or heck even and hour of pampering and I at the spa or salon so fast you would not have time to utter the word pampering before I have that appointment booked. I am a spa junkie needing that pampering fix so bad heroin junkies have less problems with withdrawing from their addiction than I would giving up the delights of delightful delicate pampering such as facials, massages, manicures, and the mother of all pampering ……the pedicure ..Oh it’s to die for girl!

The facials are delightful things in that they do help restore your face and I do these delights on occasion although I will admit a bit more frequently now that I have been tearing the face up with the hot needles from electrolysis. It seems restore some of the balance to my face as it loses hair follicles and has a more feminine appearance. Massages are great stress relief and when you have pressure situations with work and lots of typing or driving as I often have which puts much stress on the shoulders and back. Massages are highly wonderful devices to get that tension and stress out of one’s body. I am so relaxed during these babies I usually drift off to sleep while the tension is smoothed away. I also enjoy a good manicure primarily because I am not particularly great at doing my nails myself as I age and my eyes don’t focus as well on the details and using my non dominate hand to do the nails on the dominate one usually results in a bit of sloppiness. I like keeping my nails looking pretty. However, the mother of all pampering is the pedicure! Oh my- these are heavenly delights and are literally to die for girls. If you have never done one – you have missed out on the best thing in the salon or spa. If you have only one choice of service to get at a spa even if it’s just once every few months – let me say this …Choose the Pedicure! Your poor little feet carry you around all day and sometimes at night in heels and dancing and your feet get pounded on by the floors and streets and everything else they have to endure while holding the burden of your weight as well Give the little darlings a treat. The first thing you get to do is sit back in a comfy soft chair that applies heat and massage to your back and shoulders as you recline. Then your feet are places in a warm bubbly tub that massages your feet and soaks them with such pleasures I would rate the experience as even better than sex! After soaking your feet, one at time they are attended to with scrubbing and exfoliate and wrapped and primped with cuticles preened and the nails shaped and filed. After more and more soaking and scrubbing and the application of lotion, the little darlings are then coated with gloss and a delightful color of pretty polish. I am in heaven at that point for it is truly pampering at its finest girls! In fact I hope that the afterlife is full of such rich pleasures such as pedicures and other forms of pampering. If its not I am not sure I want to be there! So girls- go pamper yourself. All those years when you were pretending to be the macho guy and pushing everything and playing while hurt and all that other bull is in the past ..Enjoy your femininity and love of pampering…I know I will. See you at the spa or salon ladies!!!

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