Friday, April 4, 2008

The Shopping Gene (Summer 2007)

Is there truly such a thing as a “shopping gene”? Why is it girls, for the most part, love to shop and shop and shop some more while men have issues with shopping even for a pair of socks? Transgendered girls, at least many of them, myself very much included, fall into the category of shopaholics who seemed to have inherited this shopping gene as well along with our genetic girl sisters. Where does this gene come from and how does get inside us even though many of us in the transgendered community still are genetically males or at least started out that way before transitioning. Did this gene slip in there or coat tail itself in there with the other genes that led us transgendered girls to be transgendered in the first place. I can see it now … gene lays low and as the transgendered genes slip by it shouts “ Hop on …....this male is actually a girl but we stuck her inside this male body to make her life complicated and frustrating but she will want to shop like there is no tomorrow for sure!”

I truly am a shopaholic and I love to shop. Of course in one of my earlier blogs this spring I confessed my shoe addiction but I shop for far more than shoes its just it takes every once of willpower for me not to stop and shop or at least gaze in a shoe store. I love to look at magazines from women’s clothiers to see how the styles are changing and how an outfit might look on me. (Hmmm… you ever think we might see some transgendered models in magazines like Chadwicks or Lane Bryant?) I can’t hardly pass a those wonderful shopping giant creations when I am driving without the urge to veer the vehicle off the highway into the parking lot faster than you can say “ Sale at Debs “ and launch myself into the giant sales abounding at the lovely creation known as a mall. It’s like crack to a junkie or candy to a child and I simply can’t enough for sure! I nearly freeze when I open the paper and the giant ads fall out of the paper to the floor and there it is staring up at me “Sale at Macy’s ...Sale at Kohl’s ...Sale at Target…..Sale ...Sale ...Sale …Everything 30, 40 and even 50 percent off …..Somebody hide my credit cards please!!! OH No…….I was just kidding … Please give them back to me …....please!!!

I distinctly remember loving to shop even before I discovered my transgendered nature. I remember vividly tagging along with my mother on shopping sprees (and my mother God rest her soul loved to shop as well as anyone I know) and I would be out shopping with her for hours and I never complained and enjoyed going shopping with her. So I guess the little gene has been active for quite a while and shows no signs of letting up for sure. Shop till you drop is not simply a motto …it is a way of life! Shoes, dresses, skirts, blouses and jewelry and don’t forget your accessories like purses and scarves and belts and oh my I am get lightheaded just thinking about. Pages of catalogs, hundreds of stores and malls – most of which sell things geared at the women in society both genetic and transgendered far more than men unless you count Dicks or Bass Pro shops. Its no secret advertisers in magazines and TV and radio focus their ads on programs geared toward women – now if we they can only figure out how to directly market to the transgendered community without facing the rath of backlash created by those narrow minded twits who call for boycotts of everything because they don’t philosophically agree with that company’s decisions on issues such as rights and benefits for same sex partners or whatever strikes their fancy.. These people clearly need to do more shopping and less complaining ….they would feel better and their wardrobes would benefit for sure! Well I have to run ladies …..I heard that Fashion Bug is running an early bird sale tomorrow at 6AM with up to 75% off and I want to be well rested up ……

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