Friday, April 4, 2008

Sexless in the Country

Everyone remembers the popular TV show which still airs in syndication “Sex in the City” which depicts the exploits of four sexy beautiful women with different careers and who were friends and spent the show well basically pursuing sexual encounters with partners of all sorts and nature for sheer pleasure and enjoyment or the occasional romance. The show was enormously popular and I believe they are eve making a movie this summer based on the show. Well currently I would describe my situation as one of the opposite. First I live in the country being from West “By God” Virginia and well second, I am not having any sex. So I am thinking the title of the show I am sure the networks would clamor for would be “Sexless in the Country”

I attribute the phenomena as a recent one and largely due to my ingestion of hormones over the past eight weeks. I have said before that I like the effects they are having on me including softening my skin and I am clearly in the process of sprouting some wonderfully soft and supple breasts which I have always wanted as a girl. However, while I did understand some of the physical changes which would occur to me sexually such as changes to the genitalia and such, (yes- the morning glory has disappeared happily into the sunset!!) Maybe this entire pill popping will give me a better looking ass who knows….I hope so …….However, I did not envision the emotional changes in this area in which I have currently lost all interest in any sexual activities whatsoever! I have experienced a complete loss of sexual drive for the first time in my life! I simply have no sexual desire whatsoever for any sex of any shape, type, form or method! Zip….Nada….Zilch……absolutely nothing! I don’t think about it, I don’t dream about it and I simply do not want it. Seems to me there are a few politicians, including most recently the soon to be former Governor of NY who could have taken this route and maybe saved their careers. Old Bill would not have had to utter his famous words which define his Presidency “I did not have sex with that woman”

Well I am going to honest here and say that sex was not a huge factor prior to my hormonally induced state. Sex with the wife …..hmmmm…..I am thinking old Bill may have been in office when that last occurred. Well maybe it has not been that long but lets just say its been a “few years”. I have had for some time absolutely zero interest in performing sexual activity as a male… fact I find that thought utterly disgusting! Since my wife is not comfortable with the true me –my real essence- Melissa, that sorts of rules that option out although let me say she is missing out on some good lesbian sex for sure! Sexual relations with men….I don’t think so and it’s surely not for a lack of opportunities since offers for sex from men seem to pour in on a daily basis by the sex driven males who have found their selves in my blocked log. I don’t like men for the same reason most genetic woman don’t like them…...they are truly driven by the wrong head! Most women put up with it simply because they can’t bring themselves to be lesbians and find intimacy with other women who enjoy mutual pleasure that lasts for hours! Sex that is deeply intimate and truly wonderful involves far a connection of spirits and the mind than physical. So I have on occasion found such intimacy with a few other girls (both GG and TG) as I consider myself to be a devoted lesbian. However, I am also a bit on the “picky side” for there has to be good chemistry, the right circumstances, the right time and I believe the stars also have to properly aligned and I would truly say that such encounters have been exceedingly rare –maybe on the average once at best in a good year! There was always the last option where Ms Rosie Palm got to play with Ms Clitty and I will be the first to admit that that was always pleasurable but over the last six weeks I have had absolutely no desire to even do that even in the slightest! Just for the heck of it I even tried a couple weeks ago but was not able to sustain interest in it and the hardening the clitty did not last for very long at all so eventually I gave up but I did not even feel frustrated in the slightest!

It is actually a wonderful experience to have no sexual drive, interest or desire and to be totally sexless and without any sexual needs. It has helped me think more clearly since the brain is no longer engaged in devoting space to the pursuit of sexual pleasure. I am experiencing a different level of creativity and thinking I did not think was possible. The energies that once were directed on the sex drive have been focused elsewhere and this has lead to more productivity and time to think on important decisions I have to make for the future. I can see more clearly now being a nonsexual being. However, I sense the TV producers will not clamor for the episodes of me not doing anything sexually and not even thinking about sex while I accomplish more personal development and achieve heights spiritually. Somehow I don’t see any movie getting made about this either. It’s too bad … “Sexless in the Country” has such a nice ring to it! I can even envision a theme song for the show taking a popular tune from years ago and altering it slightly…..I can see clearly now …the sex is gone…I can see all the obstacles in my way…..its going to be a bright…bright ..Sunshiny day!!

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